Lifestyle and exercise

Behind the Headlines 2013 Quiz of the Year

In 2013, Behind the Headlines has covered more than 500 health stories that made it into the mainstream media. If you've been paying attention you should find this quiz easy and fun.

Why not test your knowledge of 2013's health news with our month-by-month quiz?

Answers are at the foot of the page (no peeking!).

In January 2013's health news...

According to the Daily Mail, spiritual people were said to be more likely to be?

  • A) Happy
  • B) Obese
  • C) Mentally ill

The Daily Mail also said that Vietnamese mums can teach their baby’s potty training by doing what?

  • A) Withholding food
  • B) Sign language
  • C) Whistling

In February 2013's health news...

What, according to the Daily Express, was said to boost brain power?

  • A) Playing Sudoku
  • B) Chewing gum
  • C) Tai Chi

What did Canadian researchers do to a group of kittens?

  • A) Kept them in a pitch black room for 10 days
  • B) Fed them ketamine and then got them to navigate a maze
  • C) Made them listen to Swedish death metal music

In March 2013's health news...

What was said to be at its lowest quality during the summer months, according to Israeli research?

  • A) Sperm
  • B) GP services
  • C) Menopausal women’s memory

What did the BBC say might cut the risk of lorry drivers crashing?

  • A) Playing music in the cab
  • B) Carrying out relaxation exercises before every journey
  • C) Caffeine

In April 2013's health news...

What new regional diet and lifestyle combo was touted as a route to good health, according to The Independent?

  • A) The Finnish diet – a mix of a fish-rich diet, saunas and plenty of cold water swimming
  • B) The Hawaiian diet – a mix of a rice-rich diet, lot of fresh fruit and dancing
  • C) The Cuban diet – a mix of a low-calorie diet and plenty of cycling

What did the BBC say could be the price of fame?

  • A) Unhappiness
  • B) Early death
  • C) Paranoia

In May 2013's health news...

What did the BBC suggest you should never do if hungry?

  • A) Have sex
  • B) Go swimming
  • C) Shop

What did the Metro say was keeping some of us up at night?

  • A) Money worries
  • B) iPads
  • C) Indigestion

In June 2013's health news...

What, according to Polish and New Zealand scientists, was upsetting young children?

  • A) Angry LEGO faces
  • B) 3D films
  • C) Clowns

What was judged as England’s most unhealthy local authority, according to the Daily Mirror?

  • A) Hull (technically the City of Kingston upon Hull)
  • B) Portsmouth
  • C) Manchester

In July 2013's health news...

What substance could be used to grow new teeth, according to Metro?

  • A) Urine
  • B) Bone marrow
  • C) Skin cells

What, it was claimed in The Daily Telegraph, could help reduce anxiety during pregnancy?

  • A) Massage
  • B) Eating fish
  • C) Acupuncture

In August 2013's health news...

What do Princess Diana, Humphrey Bogart and Elvis Presley have in common, say US researchers?

  • A) They are all thought to have been colour-blind
  • B) They all used homeopathic remedies
  • C) They were all used in a screening test for memory loss

Which outdoor activity could "reset your body clock"?

  • A) Potholing
  • B) Camping
  • C) Dogging

In September 2013's health news...

Men with bigger what make worse fathers, a US study claimed?

  • A) Feet
  • B) Testicles
  • C) Wallets

What rather unpleasant sounding treatment was described by the BBC as a potential cure for inflammatory bowel diseases?

  • A) Inhaling the smell of raw sewage
  • B) Eating slugs
  • C) Drinking bottled mucus

In October 2013's health news...

What did the Mail Online say was the best cure for a hangover?

  • A) Sprite
  • B) Coffee and ibuprofen
  • C) Going for a morning jog

What did The Daily Telegraph say might increase your risk of throat cancer?

  • A) Wearing a tight belt
  • B) E-cigarettes
  • C) Using a Bluetooth phone headset

In November 2013's health news...

What did the Metro say could be a sign that you are intolerant of alcohol?

  • A) You become irritable and prone to violence
  • B) You become teary
  • C) Your face flushes red

Manipulating what, according to the Mail Online, could lead to improved health?

  • A) The plotlines of popular children’s cartoons
  • B) The output of celebrities Twitter feed
  • C) The layout of food on a breakfast buffet table

In December 2013's health news...

What did Scottish marine researchers say could help you bust your acne problem?

  • A) Mud from the Firth of Forth
  • B) Seaweed
  • C) Kippers

Who sits down more than they did in the 1960s, according to the Daily Mail?

  • A) Mothers
  • B) Fathers
  • C) Hippies



Spiritual people are more likely to be:

Vietnamese mums can teach their baby’s potty training by:


What was said to boost brain power:

Researchers did what to a group of kittens:


What was said to be at its lowest quality during the summer months?

What was alleged to cut lorry drivers' risk of crashing?


What new regional lifestyle and diet was touted as a route to good health?

What was said to be the price of fame?


What should you never do if hungry, we were told?

What is keeping some of us up at night?


What was said to be upsetting young children?

What was judged as being  England’s most unhealthy local authority?


What substance could be used to grow new teeth?

What, it was claimed, could help reduce anxiety during pregnancy?


What do Princess Diana, Humphrey Bogart and Elvis Presley have in common?

What type of activity could "reset your body clock"?


Men with bigger what make worse fathers a study claimed?

What, arguably unpleasant, treatment was touted as a potential cure for inflammatory bowel diseases?


What was said to be the best cure for a hangover?

What was said to increase a person’s risk of throat cancer?


What is a sign that you could be intolerant of alcohol?

Manipulating what could lead to improved health?


What did Scottish marine researchers say could help you bust your acne problem?

Who sits down more than they did in the 1960s, according to the Daily Mail?


  • 0-2: Doctor Nick Riviera (The Simpsons)
  • 3-5: Doctor and the Medics (psychadelic rock group)
  • 6-8: Doctor Peter Venkman (Ghostbusters) 
  • 9-11: Doctor Dre (rapper)
  • 12-15: Doctor Quinn (Medicine Woman)
  • 16-19: Doctor Leonard "Bones" McCoy (Star Trek) 
  • 20-23: Doctor Dana Scully (X Files)
  • 24: Doctor Who (Gallifreyan Time Lord)

Thanks for taking part and we hope you had fun and have a happy 2014.

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